Thursday, November 28, 2013

of these things i am most thankful.

-my faith
-family - near and far
-army. usmc. navy. air force.
-semi-decent health
-watching babies grow up
-the bad times
-really good music
-picking battles
-letting go
-my cheerleaders
-new opportunities
-sun sets
-sweater weather
-jaxon's prayers
-standing up for my mom
-my daddy's hugs
-new friends
-old friends
-charming charlies
-art and painting
-cheer coach sisters
-random acts of kindness
-surprise texts of smiles and love
-god's unconditional grace and mercy

the simple fact that i am still alive today to write these.

psalm 106.1 praise the lord. give thanks to the lord, for he is good; his love endures forever.

happy thanksgiving.

Friday, November 22, 2013


one of the reasons i like this time of year is because i seem to regain my hope that the good in mankind is still alive and the promise of a better world exists. granted, i choose to take a break from the news, stories of war, tales of near assaults at department stores...blissfully ignorant for as long as possible. naive, yes. you must remember though, this comes from a girl who still not-so-secretly believes in santa. 

this year, all i want is to spend time with my family, welcome "chocolate milk" the elf on the shelf back to the family, and create memories that will keep this little light of mine burning in the midst of all that is the outside world. taking nothing for granted. placing importance in people, not things. experiences, not presents. beginning and continuing traditions that i pray jax and eden will remember forever.

Monday, November 18, 2013

six months later...

to say that is has been a while since my last post would be a bit of an understatement. most of my writing as of late has been hidden in the confines of random journals, margins of my calendar, and various apps on my tablet.

in the last six months, i - moved half way across the country. got a job. lost a job. found amazing friends. became more homesick than i thought possible. learned how to drive in this crazy city. adopted 18 teenage girls. seen family for the first time in over 20 years. watched my husband leave the army. watched my husband join the army 24 hours later. noticed that my kid is growing up way too fast. enjoyed my first visit to buc-ee's. took20 cheerleaders to cheer camp. cheered proudly as my girls took 1st at their first comp of the season. learned that some people are just plain shitty and evil. watched the sun set in hill country. did lots of other stuff.

my random and extremely unorganized brain prevents me from logically reliving the past few months, but it will all eventually be shared. always is. as far as things back home, the nephew is a few weeks away from turning 1. he was told not to grow up or get bigger when i left. obviously he did not listen. i love him just the same but still hoping he slows his roll in 2014. the maternal parental unit came to visit and took the spawn back with her. i miss her. i miss him. my family needs to move here. i would give just about anything for a hug from my dad right now.

hubs and i spent the weekend in hill country with my cousin and her hubs. i seriously do not know when the last time i was able to relax and shut off my head was - but the clock reset after this trip. quick overview: 4 hour nap in a hammock, fire pit, yummy adult beverages, the most wonderful quiet in the world. my hubs would focus on the animals he killed. i choose to block that part out. can't wait for the chance to go back and take the little man.

speaking of hubs, he was officially out of the army for all of 24 hours. he made the jump from enlisted to officer and now starts the life on the dark side. i give him shit all the time about letting go of nco hubs and remembering to stay in his lane. after 11 years in, it seems that it may take a little longer than a month for him to accept this. he is currently on - what seems to be - a never ending ftx. i'm ready for the army to, once again, return the hubs to me. they never appear to care what i think. i amuse myself with the notion that they do. then again, i really have no contact with his coc or unit anyways. definitely not one of those wives. wonder what life would be like if i was?

fort sam and the satx area are pretty nice. this has been our first big move together...well, the move wasn't completed together, but we all eventually made it here. the sah-spawn was able to visit for a few weeks before school started. we skype, talk on fb, and stay connected by any means available. countdown to the christmas visit has begun. i am always longing for the times when the whole bunch can be together. got news last week that she made the cheerleading squad. i am super proud. again, with an understatement.

will stop the random rambles for now.

until next time...